
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...

That was my mantra last summer, and you know what? I was right. I'm lovin' life now and you will be too (you = July 2008 testtakers who are finding wisdom in my delightful prose from the past). So keep your chins up, stay positive and just keeping breathing for these next few days. You know it - now you just have to show them you know it. Good luck - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

1 comment:

The Grand Poobah said...

In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...
In three more days.... life will be so much better ...

I think I can feel it working!