
Happiness is.... PASSING THE BAR!!!!!


Law Daze said...


Unknown said...

Was there ever any doubt? Congrats to all of us!

Salena said...

i read your blog a few times while i was studying for the bar, too. i wanted to see if you passed.
(i passed, too.)

Jonathan L. Kramer, Esq. said...

That's wonderful news, Amanda. (Almost) welcome to the club!

Jonathan Kramer, Esq.
Kramer Telecom Law Firm, PC

Liney said...


biff said...

You have a long last name.

Amanda said...

Ha ha Biff- not really, just a middle and a last name : )

Thanks everyone! I was holding my breath for all of you too.

Richard said...

Yay! I got the same message but i'm still not certain until i get that bit of paper thru! lol

The Grand Poobah said...

Congratulations, Counselor!

Great job!

Writer said...
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The Grand Poobah said...

It's your turn to congratulate me now. I passed!

Amanda said...

You just made my day!! That is so awesome!! Congrats!!!!