Ha- I spoiled the ending of the PMBR Crim Law CD series. Yes, my friends, he actually says "PMBR Rocks." I finished the crim CDs at the end of last week and eagerly started the evidence series. Now, I should note that I learned absolutely nothing from my evidence class in law school except that my professor was very angry that they were making her teach it. So this is all new to me.
It's going well so far. Mr. Evidence is no where near as funny as Mr. Contracts (Fessler) and no where near as enthusiastic about PMBR as Mr. Crim Law (Feinberg), but he'll do. I wanted to spend my two hour trek down to Bakersfield for Easter and two hour trek back listening to them, but alas my dear passengers (husband and sister) were not having it. Oh well, hopefully I can finish evidence this week when I trek up to Davis on Friday. I'm nominated for a graduation award and am going up for an interview- cool to know that at least somebody recognized I did something other than complain in my three years of law school.
Other news on the bar front... I'm seriously considering photocopying the previously mentioned "how to be supportive to your friend, the bartaker" flier after talking to family yesterday. My aunt's exact quote (bless her heart) was "I bet you could not study at all and still pass- you're so smart and good at tests." I wanted to laugh- my husband did. Clearly, he's been listening to me. I also realized yesterday that four of my close family members (1 aunt, 2 grandmas, and possibly my mom) will be having major surgeries this summer (1 stomach and 4 knees amongst them). Did they not get my memo about putting their lives on hold until July 27th?
Yah when I went thru the CDs, there were lots of gaps in my knowledge - stuff we'd never covered.
Unless you're taking some May bar exam that I don't know about, you need to stop studying right now. It's April. Trust me - I suffered through this twice.
If you have any questions about strategy or keeping your sanity, shoot me an email: adhoover@gmail.com
listening to a few CDs and reading a few books does not constitute studying in my book. but thanks for the advice and reminder as to what month it is.
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