
1 is the loneliest number

3 hard things happened today:

1. We had to endure 3.5 more hours of Chemerinsky humor. Thank God that is over.

2. I realized that a scheduling change at our location to accomodate for the local law school graduation is going to make for a seriously shitty week and weekend, paced program-wise if I want to do the work in a way that will still make sense.

3. It really started to hit me how much I have to isolate myself from the outside world. Last night was Tuesday- also known as Starbucks gab night with my best friend. No Starbucks last night though cuz there just wasn't time. Today, I had a quick lunch after class with my little sister who lives right near my class location. I quickly ate and had about 25 minutes of conversation and then said "Ok, gotta go." The look on her little face was pitiful: "But I miss you. Just stay a little longer," she pleaded. Back in the day B.B. (before barbri) I saw her a lot more often. And then the hardest thing- my mom is having knee surgery today. Ordinarily, I would be there along with the rest of my obnoxiously close and ever-present extended family. But today, I had to rely purely on the text messages of my older sister. It just sucks. I miss my friends. I miss my family. And then there's that laughing voice in my head that says "Ha... you think this is bad- it's not even June yet!"

Back to studying with me, myself, and I. 1 is definitely the loneliest number.

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