
The Pace is Picking Up

I can feel it. The pace (the paced program that is) is picking up. Studying at home went well, but I just feel like regardless of where I am, it's never ending. Even when I finish everything on the schedule, I wonder if I should do more. Should I go through my flashcards again? Review Torts since I'm not really sure I mastered it before moving on to con law? Maybe do those torts questions I mistakenly skipped last week? But alas, it is a marathon, not a race.

My husband got home when I was watching the DVD that goes over the introductory drills. "Tim Allen!" he exclaimed... "Your teacher is Tim Allen?" Now I can't look at that guy without picturing him making that weird grunting sound that my dad used to imitate. But no, he is not Tim Allen. And worse, he kind of sucks. Does anyone else feel like watching him go over the questions is a little pointless? I can read the explanations in the back of the book much faster! And I see enough of those fake Barbri trees in the morning.

But I digress. Off to bed, then up to do it all over again. Is it August yet?


xkx said...

I feel you. Its never ending. And, I also agree about the DVD--though he does usually give a bit of guidance about the section in addition to explaining the answers. Still, I'm not sure that its worth a whole hour of my time. But, then again, its pretty easy study time that I give myself credit for, so, I'll probably keep doing it.
Best, KXK

Anonymous said...

He does look like Tim Allen...sadly this was the most exciting topic of conversation at lecture the day after the first dvd assignment. Plus as KXK said, easy hour of time I can "bill" towards studying.