

Dear Barbri classmates,

Yes, I am sick. Yes, I am coughing, sneezing, feverish and have watery eyes. Yes, I understand that you do not want to catch my infectious disease because doing so in the first week of Barbri would most certainly resulting in failing the exam. But please, please don't treat me like I have the plague. I hate being sick too. And if I knew the f*cker who gave it to me, I would kill them and attempt to argue Battered Barstudier's Syndrome. Please appreciate that I am acting like the Reasonably Prudent Person- I am using hand sanitizer religiously and covering my mouth when I sneeze or cough. I am even sitting a reasonable distance away from other studiers. I promise to do everything in my power to get better by our next class session on Tuesday. Until then, stop giving me dirty looks every time I sneeze- I can't help it!


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