
I'm more sheep-like than 85% of other sheep

Thank you fellow bloggers for pointing out that the MBE results are up. Spending the last half hour analyzing my results has allowed more to put off the paced program while still feeling like I'm 'studying'. In order to fulfill my duty of candor to the public, here is my feedback:

Raw Score: You answered 130 correctly out of 200, which equals 65% correct.
National Rank: Your score was higher than 85% of the students taking the exam.

That makes me feel good about myself.

This does not:

18 correct out of 33 (55% correct)
Percentile rank: 58%

Also, did anyone else notice this minor discrepancy...
  • What we were told by Guzman on Day 1 of the MBE review: This was much harder than what your MBE will be. You will not see a test like this.
  • What the Barbri website says: "The BAR/BRI Simulated Exam that you took has the same overall topic coverage and the same level of difficulty as the actual MBE. We say this with assurance because our attorney staff takes the MBE regularly to ensure that the BAR/BRI Exam is representative in this regard."

I may not know jack about evidence, but I do know a prior inconsistent statement when I see one.

In other news, today we wrapped up out last full week of Barbri lectures. (Next week we get Tuesday and Wednesday off, the following week we finish on Wednesday) At first, this realization made me incredibly happy. I am going crazy in that little windowless room every day (I think it's worse than Paris Hiltons' jail cell). But then, it made me incredibly scared. That means it's almost here. Yikes.

Does anyone else feel like the Paced Program is being too easy on us this weekend? I mean come on- outline two essays today, write two essays tomorrow, one simulated performance test on sunday, and a handful of conviser sections thrown in.... It makes me feel like I should add more. Like maybe they have trained us to be sheep but this is the point where we start showing off to the other sheep... a sick Animal Farm deviation of sorts... 2 simulated essays good... 4 simulated essays better. Or maybe I should take the opportunity to figure out what the hell admissible evidence is.

Oh, and me and my Barbri neighbor noticed today that we uncapped our highlighters, highlighted a section of the handout, and capped our highlighters today perfectly in sync... twice. Baa Baa. (that's the sound a sheep makes, right?)

And finally in today's news, my brain is officially nearing capacity. I went to send my husband an email today and could not remember his email address. It is hisfirstname.hislastname@hiscompanyname.com I have officially lost it. And I can't get that not to hyperlink. Go ahead, send him an email.


Richard said...

hehe - i got 18/35 on evidence on that MBE too - that was what annoyed me the most about the entire exam cus so far I seemed to be doing alright at evidence (even though I really don't think I know much about it!!).

biff said...

Sounds like you can still pick up some easy points with evidence.

My theory is at 80+%, your time is better spent trying to improve essays. But if you have an obvious weak spot that can be fixed by reading a few pages...that's awesome.