
Voluntary Waste

Voluntary waste: (n) spending 2 hours listening to Richard Duffy. Seriously, Duffy is a douchebag. Someone in our class actually threw a wad of paper right in his digital face today. His review of the Property portion of the simulated MBE today was a complete waste of time. Highlights included when he told us not once, not twice, but three times that if he was doing this question he'd be like "I don't know....", especially that tricky metes and bounds ones where... gasp... you had to draw lines at 45 degree angles. He actually suggested skipping it. I thought the question was dumb, but also realized it was rather easy if you could follow simple instructions. He also gave us a lot of great (heavy sarcasm intended) methods for guessing on different problems. When it came to a rule of law, however, he would just say "look it up in your legal answers." If you're not teaching us the law, then what are you here for douchebag?? Luckily, I did relatively well in property (except for that whole mortgages thing) and I had my emergency supply of skittles to get me through the torture.

The other parts of today included a review of the evidence and con law sections. I actually liked the Evidence guy- I wish he had taught us that stupid subject from the beginning. That is really the subject that is going to kill me, I suspect. The con law guy was good too- a thick southern accent and straight to the point- "Choice A is garbage... I hope none of y'all picked that one." Luckily, I didn't. I sort of rocked the con law.

Anyways, in the midst of Douchebag Duffy, I started to have a minor freak-out, and briefly considering staying home tomorrow to really commit all this evidence stuff to memory. But then I calmed myself down- after all I was doing 80% on MBEs over the weekend, this in-class exam was apparently significantly harder than the real thing, I still got a respectable 65% on it, and we still have a little over a month to go. So I'll be staying with the herd for now. Unless Duffy has the nerve to show his face again. That is the one time I'll be wishing I was at a live lecture so he could see me get up and walk out!


biff said...

The map I drew looked like Texas.

Liney said...

Haha! I love that Dick Duffy - he's so horrible it's funny. I love how he's always "backing into" answers. He's also got one of those great voices to zone out to for my mid-barbri nap.