
Daniel Baldwin, JD

Good Morning America just did a segment on Daniel Baldwin's 47th stint in rehab. He may be a cokehead... but this time is going to be different because he's keeping a video diary for GMA. Anyways, his doctor said the key to recovery for him is going to being humility.... Then they showed a clip of an interview with him where he was talking about how he is always the best at what he does: "I could go get my real estate license tomorrow and make a million dollars in a year... I could go get my law degree tomorrow if I wanted to." That made me angry. Ok, Daniel. Go get your JD. But then try to pass the f*ing bar. Then we'll see what you're made of.

I'm off to see if PMBR Day 2 is worthless. If it is, I'll come home and focus on some CA subjects. I'm starting to get overwhelmed with what we have to know. I made a list of my mnemonics last night- 53 so far and I haven't even gotten to community property, wills/trusts, or business associations. Oh, and as if that's not stressful enough my mp3 player that I bought with my lexis nexis points is crapping out on me. All my music sounds garbled and I can only hear the backtrack, not the melody. How the hell am I supposed to listen to my motivational soundtrack on my runs now??

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