
Lifetime lessons in Community Property

Tried to enjoy a Lifetime movie tonight after I finished a long day of studying... The basic setup: Joan's daughter comes home from law school for the summer. Joan hooks her up with a job at the law firm where her best friend's husband works. Daughter ends up having an affair with lawyer. Lawyer admits his infidelity to wife, he goes to hotel, she tells her sons that he has "moved out". Cut to scene at work where lawyer is getting lectured by another lawyer/friend at his firm who knows of the affair... "Need I remind you that you're about to be the next senior partner of this firm?" And the first thought that goes through my mind... Crap, did the economic marital property already end because he physically moved out and she expressed an intent not to to resume the relationship? She should have waited for his pay increase at work... Earnings are marital property and even better... her spousal support would have been calculated using his new salary. Although... it would have been better if their names had been Hank and Wendy. Seriously, can't I ever turn this thing off?

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