
Single Digits Baby!

That's right. We are officially in the single digits in terms of days to go... Frightening and exciting all at the same time. My brain is officially nearing capacity. At church this morning I forgot some of the words to the 'Our Father'. That's like the first prayer they teach you at age 7. Also, we have a visiting priest that doesn't speak very good english, and while I would usually try to be a good parishoner and listen anyways, today I reviewed rules of law in my head. So I think that counts as study time. I think I should also be banned from public roads until this thing is over- I ran not one, but two stop signs today- I just didn't see them. And my first thought was 'crap- that was still a volitional act.'

On the agenda for today:
  • Con Law: 34 released Barbri questions, 47 released Emanuel questions, outline 4 essays, simulate 1
  • Prof. Resp.: Outline 1 full PR question, Outline 1 cross-over PR question, Simulate 1 full PR question, Simulate 1 cross-over PR question
  • Continue to work on my AABEAP (Amanda's Awesome Bar Exam Attack Pack)
  • If I get to it... one random essay from the monkey o' fun and a set of 50 mixed MBEs.

Husband is going to his parents house to help them break in their new bbq which sounds like an all-day affair to me. So, it should be a productive day. I'm realizing that posting my daily agenda makes me hold myself accountable more so than if it's just on the list in front of me. So there you go kids- hold me accountable. Happy Study Day to all!


ATC said...

That's a declaration against interest if you were unavailable, or potential admission by party opponent. Maybe you should strike that portion about running the stop sign out, and make sure DRR or Acts of independent significance doesn't apply

Richard said...

you do so much!! i WILL start on it again once I'm in LA!