
Signs I'm going INSANE

1. Today I have done 98 MBEs, outlined 4 essays, simulated 2 essays, simulated an entire performance test, and continued to refine my patented 'Amanda's Awesome Bar Exam Attack Pack' and yet.. I still feel like I should study more.

2. I actually named it 'Amanda's Awesome Bar Exam Attack Pack'.

3. I can't find my comb. I finally took the time to wash my hair (only because I'm going to church tomorrow) and now I can't find my freakin' comb. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I used it.

4. After 2 consecutive essays about Deft, the defendant, the name is beginning to grow on me...

5. Before I typed out the headline I thought... well what test am I basing that on? M'Naghten? Irresistible Impulse? You know the others...

Oh, and in case your need of a nifty mnemonic for remembering the exceptions to the search warrant requirement, try mine: Paul and Amanda can Stop and Frisk Eachother. (Paul is my husband's name)
Plain View
Incident to lawful Arrest
Stop and Frisk
Exigent Circumstances


Anonymous said...

Wow. You make me feel bad. I only outlined 2 essays, simulated one, did 50 MBEs, and saw the new Harry Potter (totally worth it).

xkx said...

whoa, you are WAY more productive than me.

Amanda said...

It's only because my husband left the house at 11 this morning to hang out with his brother and hasn't been back since : )

xkx said...

nope. that doesn't make it better. mine is out of town. you're still better than me.