
I'd Like to Phone a Friend

The best part of the official bar exam instructions given before the simulated written test today: "You are not allowed to use a phone during the test." What? No phone-a-friend? I already programmed Chermerinsky and Whitebread onto my speed dial. I thought that was why Epstein gave us his phone number!

All joking aside, if today had been one of the actual days of the bar exam, I would be feeling pretty damn good.

Professional Responsibility: did well, especially considering I didn't remember there was a specific rule about insured/insurer joint representation. And now I do... Also, I totally misread the secretary thing- I thought Lawyer told Doctor's secretary and talked about the duty to communicate directly with the client. Totally missed that unauthorized practice of law thing...

Wills: Wills is my bitch. 'Nuff said. Seriously. Spotted every f*ing issue on this one.

Community Property: Did well, except that I clearly didn't know the rule that an oral transmutation can really be just about anything.

Performance Test: Finally! My answer looked so much like the sample answer, it was a little frightening. I felt completely under control the whole time. Not to get too country here (I'm really not... I've just watched '8 seconds' a few too many times b/c Luke Perry makes a really cute cowboy) but about an hour in, I felt like I had the bull under control and I was just spinning until the 8 seconds (i.e. 3 hours) were up.

Tomorrow should be fun- Essay Workshop 4 and Performance Test 3 all in one long last day of Barbri...


Richard said...

Ugh i hated that MPT! Just couldn't work out how to DO it :(

Liney said...

Dude! We should totally get life-lines! (except like 10 times as many!)